About Swanky Kitty


The story of Swanky Kitty begins with a perpetual search for adorable and seasonal cat collars.

All collars are handcrafted breakaway cat collars and inspired by our favorite feline friends!  Since we love our cats and know they deserve the best, a portion of proceeds are donated to various  animal shelters in hopes that they can all find good homes.

Whether you’re looking for a cat collar so everyone knows your outdoor explorer has a home or in need of a cat collar with a jingle, a telling sign that your kitty is approaching, we can help and would like to make sure to perfectly fit your feline with the right collar.  For the animal lovers of all varieties, a recent RSPB study found that cats wearing a bell on the collar caught 34 per cent fewer mammals and 41 per cent fewer birds.

Fitting a Collar

Problems can arise when collars too loose or too tight. Cat collars do need to be adjusted and firmly fitted.  You should only be able to get 1-2 fingers underneath.  Special attention should be given to cats that are still growing. Sizing should be checked and adjusted regularly.  Please use supervision accordingly.


We love seeing pictures of our satisfied customers in their new neck attire.  So send us your pictures or tag us on Facebook to appear on our wall!